The process of cannabis harvesting and drying just got easier! You don’t need to subject your cannabis and hemp produce to the risk of being crushed while transporting them in totes or bags.

DriFlower has brought the innovation to help you preserve the quality of your flower, and save time, space, and cost of labor. Of course, which grower wouldn’t jump on a solution that provides these benefits? That’s where our Hang harvesting system comes in, which includes our hemp harvest racks. 

Times have changed bro!  In fact, according to research, the legal sales of cannabis and hemp are expected to top $33 billion by the end of 2022. That’s a 32% increase compared to 2021’s total of $25 billion.  This clearly shows the demand for these crops is high. But recently, people pay more attention to quality, so you just gotta do it right!

DriFlower Hemp Harvest Racks

We’ve figured out a solution that simplifies the whole process of harvesting and transporting to your drying space. Our DriFlower cannabis harvest racks have been a timely solution to preserve flower quality, and save you enough time and cost.

All you need to do is cut your crops and hang them directly onto innovative hangers on the harvest rack. That’s the last time you’re ever touching your product until they are fully dry. 

Our harvest drying rack system can hold both the Pro-hangers and J-hangers and you can easily load and move them to your drying space.

Interestingly, we have different types of weed harvest racks for sale that are designed with laser-precision engineering to suit different purposes.

Most Used Types of Hemp Harvest Racks for Cannabis Plants

To keep it simple, we categorized our racking system into two classes:

·         Indoor Racks

·         Outdoor Racks

Indoor Racks

The Indoor racks comprise three main types:


The Lil’ Buddy is a personal rolling hemp harvest rack that you can easily maneuver, mainly for small-scale harvest of your crops. It is built with wheels that make it easy for you to move down the aisle while you cut and hang your flower on any size J-hanger (21” – 31” – 41”).

The interesting part of using this cannabis harvest rack system is that it is small enough to fit through a standard doorway, and it is super easy to assemble.

Rolling Harvest Rack

The DriFlower Rolling harvest rack is designed to hold our 91” LockPin sticks and even larger aluminum sticks. So if you’ve got a baller indoor space and need some flexibility in rolling up to your harvest, this weed harvest rack for sale is worth investing in. Just one man can accomplish so much with this rack in a fraction of time.

This is one of the hemp harvest racks that can hold hangers of any size. You just need to stuff the hangers while they are held steadfast on the rack.

When you fully load the hangers, you just simply roll the harvest rack to your drying space and transfer them with ease.

You get to save time, space, and money.

Rolling Dri-Rack

This rack is the ultimate solution for dry room flexibility. If you’ve got limited dry space, and you desire some flexibility and versatility, the Rolling Dri-Rack is what you need.

This DriFlower Rolling Dri-Rack is built with three levels, making it capable of holding as many hangers as you can stuff on a 91” stick.

So imagine you’re loading 10 wet pounds on a hanger, and you have up to 8 hangers on a stick and three sticks on a rack.  This will hold 240 wet pounds of flowers within a 7.5” x 3.5 footprint.  C’mon, that’s super-efficient.  I mean you can hold this much in your top-of-the-line indoor space.

This harvest drying rack is built with step-locking castors that make it easy to roll through doorways without compromise.

And here’s a smart tip for you – You can easily pair a Rolling Dri-Rack with the Rolling Harvest-Rack to get the best in maneuverability.

Outdoor Racks

The outdoor racks are mainly fixed for use in the field or greenhouse. It comprises two main types:

J-Harvest Rack

The J-Harvest Rack is designed to hold J-Hangers while you simply cut and hang your flowers. The J-hangers give so much stability to a simple, easy-to-move rack. They are securely held steady on the rack, and you can easily stuff them with flowers.

When fully loaded, you can move this cannabis harvest rack and repeat the process. The rack is lightweight, easy to move, and easy to assemble.

Pro-Harvest Rack

This outdoor rack is flexible to hold either the Pro-Hangers or J-hangers. You can easily cut and hang on the spot with this easy-to-manage rack. It is stable with no frills.

After stuffing the hangers on the rack, you can easily pick the hangers by the handle and move them into your dry space and onto the Dri-Racks.

So no matter your harvest size, you can have the confidence that the Pro-Harvest rack can provide the support you need to load your sticks and hangers with much stability.

Getting a Hang harvesting Rack Today

It’s time to level up! We’ve shown you the 5 most widely used types of racking systems used today in hemp harvesting and drying.

Quit the hard ways of doing stuff- Do not ruin your flower quality after so much hard work in growing those crops.

The DriFlower racking system is built to salvage the problem of poor product quality, lack of space, longer time in harvest, and high cost of labor.

So whether you desire a racking system to use indoors or outdoors, we have different hang harvesting options for sale in Ashland Oregon to make your harvest process as smooth as butter!

You can get us to custom-build your dry space for you if you’ve got a large-scale cannabis drying operation. We would make it easier for you to manage your cannabis harvest and drying using the Harvest and Dri-racks.

You can contact us today.