If you are a Do-it-yourselfer who loves to get creative and build your stuff all by yourself, then it’s fine.  You can now build your cannabis harvest rack all by yourself to suit your space and streamline your workflow. DriFlower has provided all the hardware and hangers you need to build an easy-to-use harvest rack.

Our Harvest-Rack Hardware Kit contains:

  • Two pieces of Harvest-Rack Bracket, with dimensions (ea.): 6.75” x 8.75” x 2.5“
  • Two pieces of Harvest-Brackets

You’ll need:

  • Cordless screwdrivers
  • 1 ¼” screws
  • 2 ½” screws
  • Four pieces of 8-foot long 2 x 3 hardwood
  • Measuring Tape

How to Building Your Harvest Rack Step-by-Step

Before building your harvest rack, you’d need to prepare your 8-foot-long 2 x 3 hardwoods by cutting them into smaller sections. For a complete harvest rack, here are the sections you need:

  • Eight pieces of 2-foot-long length 
  • Two pieces of 3-foot-long length
  • Two pieces of a 5 foot long lengths

For a complete harvest kit, you need four pieces each of an eight-foot long 2 x 3 hardwood lumber, screwdrivers, J-hangers, Pro-hangers, and Screws. All of which are not included in our complete Driflower hardware kit.  


Start with one of the two-piece Harvest-Rack and 3-standalone pieces of the eight-piece of 2-foot long lengths you already cut out.


Place the harvest bracket on its back and slide your two-foot-long lumber into each open end of the Harvest Rack as seen below. Ensure the lumber placed at either side of the triangle-shaped Harvest-Rack is flush and allows easy slide in and out of the bracket. You can do that by pulling the middle wood side to side and adjusting the other two wood until they are tact.

How to build harvest drying rack

STEP 3: 

Using the 1¼ screws, screw only the lumbers placed at each side of the harvest rack. Do ensure they are firm by hard-pressing the wood down with your hand. After screwing, you can pull out the middle lumber.


Repeat step one through three for the other pieces of  the Harvest-Rack Bracket dimensions (ea.): 6.75” x 8.75” x 2.5“

With the two legs in place for the Harvest rack, it’s time to build the thrust that connects both legs and the good system that supports the sticks. 


Align both 5-foot-long lumber by placing them parallel to each other on a flat surface and setting them one foot apart.  

STEP 6: 

Place the two pieces of 3-foot-long lumber on either side and use the 2-foot length lumber as support to ensure everything is squared, as seen in the image below. 

How to build your harvest-rack hardware

STEP 7: 

Ensure that both 5-foot-long lumbers are placed so that they only take up a one feet part of the 3-foot lumber. You can measure a one-foot mark on your three-foot-long lumber and align five-foot wood within that measure. 


Square out the 5-foot woods with the 3-foot to ensure they are straight on all sides, then screw the 3-foot long wood onto the 5-foot wood. 

STEP 9: 

Using the 2-foot hardwood, brace the 5-foot wood setup like in the image below. This would also help ensure it’s flush when mounted to the legs.

STEP 10:

Mount the setup on the thrust setup on each leg by sliding them through the open spot of the Harvest-Rack bracket. And screw them into place, as shown below. 

STEP 11: 

Use a 2-foot length of wood as braces for each leg of the setup. This helps you stabilize and keep the harvest rack sturdy. 

STEP 12: 

Screw the two harvest rack brackets to each top of the 5-foot-long setup. Make sure that the space in the middle of the rack brackets aligns with the flat surface of the 2 x 3 hardwood. 

There you have it! In 12 easy steps, you can get your harvest rack ready to go.  For additional functionalities, you can add our stick holder and hanger holder to make your life easier without running back and forth when you need extra sticks or hangers. 

If you want a very sturdy harvest rack or reliable hemp harvesting equipment, then you should ensure to find 2 x 3 made from cedar woods. But it’s not an easy find, so it is okay to use any hardwood. However, you must ensure that you do not leave the harvest rack in the rain or area prone to termite attacks. 

You can get our Harvest-Rack Hardware Kit now and build a kit for yourself to make your workflow as smooth as butter!